Monday, July 21, 2008

Ayla's good weekend.

On Thursday Marisa came back to stay for a few weeks and brought a little visitor, Matthew's daughter Layla. She and Ayla played until past midnight, (since Layla didn't arrived until about 11:00pm.) Then they went to bed. But when the morning sun came up, both were ready to play.
Layla is a little bigger than Ayla and a little less quite. She is a beauty of a little girl reminding me of a little blond pixie. She is very smart and loves Princesses. Ayla loves Princesses too but I mean Layla really loves princesses. So the girls played together and had a great time with their guess what, princesses. It was so amusing listening to them, Layla in her princess voice and Ayla joining in as well. Ayla had some ideas of her own and mostly were excepted but sometimes not. The girls were great about working out the differences themselves coming only a few times to complain about each other. It's hard not to interfere with helping them work it out but it is best to let them learn to compromise.

Layla went to her grandmothers on Friday morning and returned to play with Ayla on Saturday and once again they played Princesses and watched movies and had fun. They had lunch and then took a long, much needed nap. Layla got to spend the night, sleeping in the twin bed with Ayla. Sunday afternoon it was back to Layla's grandma's for dinner. Marisa came back with Ayla and Ayla missed her little friend very much.


Unknown said...

I bet they had a good time together. It's good for children to mingle with other children their age. Y'all give Ayla a big hug on my behald,


Marisa said...

Aww. They did have a lot of fun didn't they. :) Maybe in a few years they will be cousins! :0