Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A little Poem for Ayla :)

Birdy, Birdy in the sky
You dropped something in my eye

That's Okay, I won't cry
I'm just glad that cows don't fly!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

My visit to home sweet home

So I came home to Jax recently and got to spend some time with the family and even squeezed in a little time to work. :) I have not posted anything on Aylas awesome blog to date so I just wanted to add some of the photos I took while I was there. She is growing up so fast if I procrastinate any longer, the pics will be long outdated. Enjoy..
One morning Ayla requested we go to Starbucks to get some coffee and chocolate milk. On the way there, Ayla cooled herself off with a cute little (nearly practical) handheld princess fan. She began to scream and when I turned to look at her, I saw that the fan had grabbed ahold of her hair and would not release itself! I had to rip her hair a little bit to get the fan out, but at least she didn't have to go into starbucks with a toy hanging from her head. There was no warning of this on the packaging!! I left the (dreadlock) knot until we got home where mommaw did the remarkable task of untangling her hair without any tears.
Ayla even got to drive a race car! Me, Sabrina and Ayla thought it would be fun to go to Adventure Landing and play some games and drive the cars around. Jeez....can you tell these two are related??
One day, Ayla, me and mommaw decided it was so gorgeous outside that we just had to take a trip down to the beach. It was so relaxing and all three of us had such a great time together.
After such a long, eventful day at the ocean, Ayla passed out.... and then did 180 degrees in the bed. I really love this picture.
Here are a few pictures of Ayla and Layla. As previously mentioned by Mommaw, they both had a blast playing together. The last picture was taken in the pool at Layla's "Nana's" house the last night that Layla was in town.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Scared, sad, then happy again.

Ayla had a busy day yesterday. She had a doctor's appointment to get her check up and shots for school. Mommaw went along with mom and both were anxious when we found out that Ayla had to have four shots, two in each arm. She was scared but tried to be brave. Each shot brought a little louder scream, with the last one a scream that hit new highs on the scream scale. She cried a bit after and then when we were ready to go she cheered up because it was time to check out her school and enroll.

The school that she is enrolled in is The Learning Tree. It is a beautiful school and the people there seem very nice. She started to play with the children right away when we checked out the playground.

We were there about 25 minutes checking it out. Ayla can't wait to get started. She will begin with a half a day schedule and maybe later go into all day. She will begin on the 18th of this month of August.

We had a nice lunch at the Golden Corral. Ayla's little arms are hot and sore but she is coping well. The ice cream that she had helped a lot.

She is really starting to enjoy painting. She paints on her easel often and is turning out some nice ones. She took one of her prettiest to Dr. Ahboudan and the doctor made quite a fuss over it. She said that she will get it framed, so maybe the next time Ayla goes she will see her framed art on the wall.

Ayla is growing smarter every day. She has a huge vocabulary and uses it. She walks around practicing words like congratulations and electricity. She uses phrases that adults use, usually with her hands moving for emphasis. She wanted to be an astronaut but now she says rock star.

I have a feeling I know what she will want to be next since the Olympics are coming.

Her favorite things to a do are; Painting, sounding out words. wearing dresses, picking out her own clothes, playing with other kids, looking forward to Netflix movies. She also will make little princesses out of anything (salt and pepper shakers) and play with them for hours. Never mind that she has tons of the real princess dolls in her room (but she plays with them too.) She loves music and dancing and is pretty good at both. She always hums as she is playing if she's not talking. She went through a period where she had a little attitude. But overall she is still the sweet girl that she has always been.

She sends hugs and kisses to all.