Friday, June 27, 2008

Thank you PopPop and MeMe for the great memories. I still dream of Disneyland and our vacation. I can't wait to see more. I Love you , Ayla

P.S. Make sure you look at the bottom of the page each time for pics from the past.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

A little Princess visits California in 2008.

Yes! We're going to Disneyland.

Hey! I'm tall enough for this ride. Click on the pictures, I get bigger. I think the girl behind me has got a problem! Why is she looking at me that way?

Let go of me Goofy Dude...I just wanted to have my picture taken with you. No need to squeeze me to death!

Coming back to the Hotel in the afternoon. -----"I love you too Matt"

Hey, why is Mini Mouse going away? I was next in line!

That's the look of an upset little girl.

Hold on Ayla...we're pushing our way in this time.

MeMe, aren't we close enough... I'm terrified. Can someone slap that little boy on the bottom left?

These are some pictures of Ayla during her visit to California in 2008. She spent some time with PopPop and MeMe. She's a little princess so there wasn't a better place to bring her than the Princesses' Land. I have so many, that I will post about the same number of pictures every other day or so.

Hi Ayla. We love you and miss you,

PopPop and MeMe.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Yay, mom's back!

Ayla was upset that her mother was going on vacation not because she couldn't go but because she would miss her. So when mom came back yesterday Ayla was very happy. Mom brought a big bag of new clothes and Ayla tried them on right then and there.
When Alya came in this morning she was sleepy and went to sleep in my bed. But she didn't sleep long before she was crying hard and calling me. She had a bad dream but she couldn't remember what it was. I comforted her for a few minutes and she forgot about it and got up to start her day. We didn't do a lot today. Actually she was bored. I had things to do in the house and at one point she just threw up her hands and said "Momaw, I don't have anything to do." I think everything she thought of bored her. So I stopped what I was doing, took a deck of cards and played match game. She loved it and won both games!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Hi everybody,
I told momaw yesterday that I think I should write something. Since each of you hear about me by momaw, I would like it if you would want to ask me questions. I will get Momaw to help me with the answers. It will be fun. I might even type the words myself. I'm pretty good at that.
Okay, Love you, bye now,
Momaw says, Just add them as a post.

Sunday June 22, 2008

Ayla is having a vacation herself away from me today. She is visiting her friend Kianna. Kianna's dad picked her up and took them to Sunday School. She was very excited and even though she was very sleepy she crawled out of bed and pulled her clothes on. Her carriage arrived and the Princess flew out the door with out so much as a wave. Of course the Princess's grandma flew out the door right behind her and took her goodbye kiss.

I haven't heard from them today so I am sure everything is fine and she is having fun.

Yesterday she went shopping with me and we kept going until we got our errands done. We really both just wanted to come home which she kept saying but I don't like going out and so try to get everything done when I am.
She wanted to eat some cookies in the grocery store and asked if we could. I told her we have to wait until we pay. "But, she said, you eat in the store sometimes." I said, "Not unless I'm passing out." To that she kept asking me, "Are you passing out yet?" She really hoped I felt like passing out so she could have her cookie fix!
We went to the mall and she drove me crazy wanting to go into the "beautiful" mall and see the fountain. I only wanted to do a quick in and out. But then it finally came out. She wanted to go to the food court. I did get her something there and then we went and bought what I came for. She is the one that got all the loot. Two pair of flip flops and a pair of slippers. All on sale. She was totally thrilled. I think she is going to be a shoe nerd.
Last night at bedtime she came screaming out of the room completely terrified. There was a bug on her pillow. She said "I covered it with my book." And that she did. She remained calm until the bug was safely covered then went hysterical down the hall to me where I heroically mashed the little flier. Actually I think she deserves the credit for being so brave covering the ugly thing.

Friday, June 20, 2008

June 20, 2008

Our day was quiet today. Momaw had a pulled muscle so not much was accomplished. Ayla entertained herself with puzzles and she and I made some beautiful aliens with play doh. I made a meal from a box and Ayla waited for 30 minutes to eat it and then we realized it was too spicy. ( It didn't mention that on the box!) So I made her a scrambled egg and she liked that. Right now she is watching one of her favorite shows. America's funniest home videos. Pretty soon it will be bedtime.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 19th 2008

Ayla's mom has gone for a small trip and Ayla is getting to stay with me. We have had a good time so far. We like to stay home but sometimes of course it's necessary to leave the house and do errands. So to bribe Ayla I offered that we would get Chinese food. She liked that idea but she still got upset whenever we had to go. Crying and saying she didn't want to go. I dread those moments when she acts up like that. I think the forth year is difficult. Oh, not for the children, they are in their element, but for the grown-up caretakers. The personality and spirit of the 4 four year old young soul is unfolding. Always pushing the limits. Constantly throwing out her arms in wild abandonment. So wild and unexpectedly that most often the toes of one land upon feet of another or a slung arm knocks out the salad that grandma has just made. The dithering in the bathroom and the hesitation to move when told to makes grandma grind her teeth.
Right now Ayla has trouble getting her self to the bathroom in time. Actually she is just plain lazy and says so. She sees nothing wrong with just letting go. I hate to admit it since I am an experience mother and grandmother but I don't know how to deal with this. I know that you shouldn't make a big deal out of it. I know that it is probably a result of being without a few of her best people. I know there must be issues behind it. Her mother and I have talked about it over and over but nothing that we have decided on has worked. I really want to paddle her behind.
The closest I come to that is a hot pink ruler. I do slap her hands with it when she is demanding and whining. "Ayla, whining?" you say. Yes, although she is so good most of the time, sometimes*&&*%&@!!@and nothing works better than the little pink ruler.

She is so smart. She and I were watching a documentary on the migration of birds. It was such a beautiful film. But there were parts that were a little boring for a child. But she watched most of it and laughed and asked intelligent questions. She even told me things that surprised me that she even knew. She told me about the great wall of China when we saw it on the film and she recognized a geyser and said at one point that those birds were flying over Canada.( Because of the snow and ice.) Also that there was a desert in California because Pop-pop and Marisa were looking for bunnies there.!!??? She learned some things too. I know that she will keep these things that she learned in her head forever because she is like that. She doesn't forget.

She knows about letters and numbers and can do a little math and read some too. She knows the difference between consonants and vowels and what they do. She loves music and singing, painting, play-dough, animals and nature. She loves throwing her arms out, twirling around and dancing.

Here is the Aylaism of the day.

She wouldn't listen and kept dancing around and talking and singing to herself. I finally had enough and took her arm and pulled her toward the car to get her in. I said "Ayla, please I have the Chinese food and my arms are full and you have to help me." She said "Okay Grandma, your right, I'm sorry I have been acting so foolish." My mood changed immediately. Totally forgiven!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She has a long line of comedians in her family and it shows.

She has had me busting out with laughter many many times as children often do. Sometimes she is not aware that she is saying something funny but I think more often than not she is aware.

Today she told me that her mom had bought some honey bread. I told her when I was a little girl we had Bunny Bread. She said "Ah, well, what did it taste like, fur?"

This morning I was reading a book and she asked me what is was about. I said it is about a family of dwarfs that traveled and entertained years ago. When I showed her some pictures she said, "Oh, they look like children . "Yes, I said, a little but they are grown up." She said "Yes, I know a dwarf... pawpaw's mama! " Don't blame me Steve, I believe that you told her that!

She is very good at bike riding now. I let her ride in the house around and around in a big circle through the living rooom, dining room, kitchen and back again. I had hung a bag of little paint bottles on the handlebars momentarily but before I could remove them she took the bike and started riding with the bag of bottles still on the bars. She said, Momaw, this is a little difficult to ride with this bag on here." I just looked at her. She was dead serious.