Wednesday, June 18, 2008

She has a long line of comedians in her family and it shows.

She has had me busting out with laughter many many times as children often do. Sometimes she is not aware that she is saying something funny but I think more often than not she is aware.

Today she told me that her mom had bought some honey bread. I told her when I was a little girl we had Bunny Bread. She said "Ah, well, what did it taste like, fur?"

This morning I was reading a book and she asked me what is was about. I said it is about a family of dwarfs that traveled and entertained years ago. When I showed her some pictures she said, "Oh, they look like children . "Yes, I said, a little but they are grown up." She said "Yes, I know a dwarf... pawpaw's mama! " Don't blame me Steve, I believe that you told her that!

She is very good at bike riding now. I let her ride in the house around and around in a big circle through the living rooom, dining room, kitchen and back again. I had hung a bag of little paint bottles on the handlebars momentarily but before I could remove them she took the bike and started riding with the bag of bottles still on the bars. She said, Momaw, this is a little difficult to ride with this bag on here." I just looked at her. She was dead serious.

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