Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sunday June 22, 2008

Ayla is having a vacation herself away from me today. She is visiting her friend Kianna. Kianna's dad picked her up and took them to Sunday School. She was very excited and even though she was very sleepy she crawled out of bed and pulled her clothes on. Her carriage arrived and the Princess flew out the door with out so much as a wave. Of course the Princess's grandma flew out the door right behind her and took her goodbye kiss.

I haven't heard from them today so I am sure everything is fine and she is having fun.

Yesterday she went shopping with me and we kept going until we got our errands done. We really both just wanted to come home which she kept saying but I don't like going out and so try to get everything done when I am.
She wanted to eat some cookies in the grocery store and asked if we could. I told her we have to wait until we pay. "But, she said, you eat in the store sometimes." I said, "Not unless I'm passing out." To that she kept asking me, "Are you passing out yet?" She really hoped I felt like passing out so she could have her cookie fix!
We went to the mall and she drove me crazy wanting to go into the "beautiful" mall and see the fountain. I only wanted to do a quick in and out. But then it finally came out. She wanted to go to the food court. I did get her something there and then we went and bought what I came for. She is the one that got all the loot. Two pair of flip flops and a pair of slippers. All on sale. She was totally thrilled. I think she is going to be a shoe nerd.
Last night at bedtime she came screaming out of the room completely terrified. There was a bug on her pillow. She said "I covered it with my book." And that she did. She remained calm until the bug was safely covered then went hysterical down the hall to me where I heroically mashed the little flier. Actually I think she deserves the credit for being so brave covering the ugly thing.

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